
Monkey-Gives-Middle-Finger-2 New Article:  Secret Communication in Nature, Part II:  ANIMALS  (Sept ’17) —  Some might accuse me of rushing to publish this second article in our series on secret communication in nature, a scant 2 years after the first one.  ”How could you have possibly produced such an excellent article in only 24 months??” they’d shout incredulously.  And yet, I did.  No, this blogger will not wait the customary 8 years between posts, for that would be a great disservice to the dozens of you readers out there!  So enjoy, and I’ll see you again in 24 months!
tree_flipping_bird Secret Communication in Nature, Part I:  Plants!  — There are a lot of examples of hidden communication in nature — organisms talking with each other, sometimes right in front of us, and we never noticed.  So many examples, in fact, that we had to split them up into two articles.  Check out part I, on secret communication among plants!
Life A Cellular Automaton?  In My Very Home?  — For years, I’ve looked for evidence that Cellular Automata are used somewhere, somehow, in the biological world.  Finally, there’s solid evidence.  There just might be a Cellular Automaton on that houseplant behind you…
  Cicadas:  Number Theorists of the Insect World — they’re not just what’s for dinner, they’re also surprisingly good mathematicians

The Creepy Creepy World of Creepy Twins— Did I mention creepy?  I did?  Or was that MY TWIN????  Learn some fascinating and downright CREEPY facts about twins that’ll make you take a hard look in the mirror.  Hint — that eyeball image at left?  That’s NOT JUST ONE PERSON
Microbes Living Deep Below the Earth’s Surface — “Sir, it appears you have bronchitis of the earth’s crust.  Drink some OJ and try not to think about the vast biosphere beneath our feet.”
The Shadow Biosphere— We learn in biology class about the “Tree of Life”, that all life evolved from common ancestors billions of years ago, ultimately back to those primitive microbes on prehistoric earth.  But who’s to say life only formed once?  Could other sparks of life flared up on Earth?  And if so, where are they now?







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